In this fast-changing VUCA world, disruption is the name of the game. This disruption has spawned unprecedented transformation in businesses, industries and working practices, with jobs and profiles that didn’t exist a few years ago, being created. This has naturally led to increasing demand for new skill sets, in virtually every profession and job market. As a result, hiring and retaining skilled talent, that is agile and adaptable to the fast pace of change, will enable organizations to stay ahead of the competition. Equipping human talent to meet current and future challenges are where the MHRF team steps in. Established in 2009, Mohana HR Futuristics...
Ravi Kaklasaria, Chief Executive office, SpringPeople
Amit Raja Naik, Special Correspondent
Nishith Chaturvedi, VP - HR, NPCI
Dr Dharminder Nagar, MD, Paras Healthcare
Michael Meyer, Chief Risk Officer & Chief Security Officer, MRS BPO, LLC
Johnny Li, VP - Global Sales & Business Development, Cheetah Mobile
Amardeep Bajpai, CEO, Webisdom
David Oakley, CEO, ServiceNow ANZ
Ajit Patel, CEO & Founder, n-gage
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