By Anoop Garg, Head - Legal ABS & Enterprise Business and Aircel Smart Money, Aircel Ltd
Anoop Garg, Head - Legal ABS & Enterprise Business and Aircel Smart Money, Aircel Ltd
It’s the only planet “Earth” in the present known world is having life. Our Scientist, Astronauts are struggling to discover from many decades if there is any life on any planets. Since long various space missions are carried out by various Countries like USA, Russia, India& China etc. through their Space agencies –like (ISRO), the European Space Agency (ESA), the China National Space Administration (CNSA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), (NASA) and Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA or Roscosmos) to find if there is any existence of life on any planets specially Mars by sending space shuttles/rockets, establishing space Stations but not successful.
We live on this earth in different types of surroundings and this surrounding is our “environment”. Our planet “Earth” is surrounded by different types of spices (plants & animals). We eat, breathe, clothe ourselves, reproduce and then die. The next generation comes and the cycle goes on; and the human race flourishes on earth.
"In future IoT will be contributing towards efficiencies of various industries such as infrastructure, energy, transportation and agriculture and can also aid in reducing carbon footprint"
The earth’s physical environment provides encouraging conditions for the existence and growth of different life forms, including human-beings. These living beings create the biological environment. Bothphysical and biological environments in collaboration form a stable self -preserving system.
A small change in our modern adapted lifestyle will be a mile-stone towards saving the environment.
The question arises why we should save environment. The recent study alarmed us the threat of global warming which will be a serious environmental issue for the World. The continuous emission of carbon dioxide by thermal power generating units, Chemical plant & factories, air-conditioners & Vehicles etc.are the leading cause for the surge in greenhouse gases.
The high-level of environmental pollution which is in the form of Air & Water pollution and the decreasing ground water level, low rains, increase of temperature in summers reaching close to 49°C to 50°C, forests are fast diminishing. It may cause soil erosion and drought situation, excessive use of pesticides, urea resulting to low fertility of soil and decreased & low production of fruits & vegetables. These fruits & vegetables are also not healthy for human health.
Technology will play a vital role in the coming years in protecting environment. In future IoT will be contributing towards efficiencies of various industries such as infrastructure, energy, transportation and agriculture and can also aid in reducing carbon footprint.
By developing energy efficiencies of buildings we can also improve 1.6 gigatons of greenhouse gases. The technology will also help to save 20percent water on an average through IoT soil moisture monitoring on farms. It will also help in reducing 30percent fuel consumption from cars that can communicate with each other to reduce the need to stop at intersections.
There are many other ways to save environment and even a small contribution by each and every one of us will be helpful in reducing the ecological imbalance.
We should put more efforts in solid waste management by creating fertilizer and bio-gas and as far as practicable; the waste products should be recycled to make new items. The domestic and industrial garbage instead of dumping in the pond, lake or river, these should be segregated as recyclable and non-recyclable before being dumped.
There should be a zero tolerance policy towards deforestation. Each one of us can contribute towards saving the environment by planting more and more trees. Support to NGOs that are engaged in saving environment byplanting trees.
The environmental friendly car and vehicles should be used based on battery or solar energy. For short distances, people should be encouraged to use bicycle in place of motor based vehicles. The use of environment unfriendly materials such as plastic/polythene should be discouraged/totally banned.
As the Climate Hot Map demonstrates, the impacts of a warming world are already being felt by people around the globe. If climate change continues unchecked, these impacts are almost certain to get worse. From sea level rise to heat waves, from extreme weather to disease outbreaks, each unique challenge requires locally-suitable solutions to prepare for and respond to the impacts of global warming. Unfortunately, those who will be hit hardest and first by the impacts of a changing climate are likely to be the poor and helpless, especially those in the least developed countries. Developed countries must take a leadership role in providing financial & technical help for adaptation.
Role of Judiciary in protecting environment in India
Indian Judiciary played a vital role in protecting and creating awareness and a compliant environment among Indian peoples towards conservation of environment. The laws towards protection of environment reflect a country’s stronghold against environmental dilapidation and misuse. Being a developing country India has shown an immense dedication towards environmental protectionwhich was influenced by United Nations Conference on Human environment and World summit on Sustainable Development.
In India, the provisions regarding environmental protection have got their place in the Directive Principles but the active role of Judiciary in recent years has included it under Fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India, thus, including it under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.
India’s commitment towards protection of the environment get reflected when the Indian Parliament passed the National Green Tribunal Act 2010. The National Green Tribunal (‘NGT’) was established on 18th October, 2010 and started functioning since 4th July, 2011. The Tribunal is dedicated to the effective and speedy disposal of cases relating to the subject of forest, environment, biodiversity, air and water. It is a specialized body equipped with necessary expertise to handle environmental disputes involving multi-disciplinary issues. The Principal Bench of Tribunal is based at New Delhi headed by Hon’ble Justice Swatantra Kumar with circuit benches at Chennai, Bhopal, Pune and Kolkata so that it can cover all the regions of the Country. The principal bench along with all the regional benches of tribunal is functional.
This Court can rightly be called ‘Special’ because India is the third country following Australia and New Zealand to have such a system. The NGT is India’s first dedicated environmental Court with a wide jurisdiction to deal not only with violations of environmental laws, but also to provide Compensation, Relief &Restoration of the Ecology in accordance with the ‘Polluter Pays’ principle and powers to enforce the ‘precautionary principle’.
The beginning of this Tribunal is a step forward towards achieving “Environmental Democracy”, which functions with an objective of disposing off the case within six months of its filing. The members of this Tribunal have adhered to this rule, thereby ensuring disposal of cases in a timely manner and the court having reputation of being a special ‘fast-track’ court. Also, achieving the delicate balance between conservation and development can be a long and difficult process. Difficult choices are perhaps inevitable, such as in the matters of Lavasa and Posco. It is the mission of the Judges and the Expert Members of the National Green Tribunal to maintain this precarious balance between the environment and sustainable development. From observing the recent proceedings of this court and reading the previous judgments, the Members of this Tribunal have achieved such a feat in a majority of their cases.
The National Green Tribunal has delivered a number of significant judgments on various issues across the country. The Tribunal is therefore an important step in the access to justice on matters concerning the environment and its mandate is much wider than earlier environmental Courts and Authorities and other such Courts.
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