Online Travel Technology Dominance or Disruption

By Vijay Choudhary, Head IT, HRH Group of Hotels


With the advent of Technologies, today we are talking Driver Less Car, Man less production houses, Robotics enabled Health Care and Hospitality services, Artificial intelligence in all the area of socio economic environment and making sure we are growing...

Yes we are really transformed from a ‘Stone Age’ to ‘Information Age’ towards more of the dominance global society which is technology driven consumes technology not higher but equal to the consumptions in daily life for natural resources like Air/Water and always online 24x7. 

In Travel industry the consumers/target audience are majorly dependent on online technology / presence from first step mood making to last step confirmation of all travel arrangement. It is inclining towards dominance… you can’t separate these 2 T, Travel and Technology; its supplement to each other enhancing values to world together.

It is also important to note that the present economic policies will further strengthen or create dominance for online technologies in our space which is hospitality industry: Honourable PM’s project Connect with Digital India, Visa On Arrival / eVisa are opening more doors strengthen the Hospitality and Travel industry by using the growth Key of Technology and online platform comprises with IT infrastructure.Every Travel Agent has to be online by 2020 or you don’t exist!


Yes over and above to all which is Humanity: Respect for ‘Human Values’ which is one of the core strength of our Organizations.

Are we not interfering with natural resources for the sake of achieving technological advancement? Today Global warming like situations are arises ? Most of the research found that Carbon-foot-prints and green-house-gases effect are major distortion and cause of Global warming; technological setup’s high power consumption is main cause of increasing carbon-foot-print, increase green-house-gases... yes these are very strong reason which says technology is main contributor of distortion and disruption in our case of online space.

It can be considered ‘disruption’ to intermediaries as it is eliminating intermediaries and connecting consumers directly with the Products and directly managing Demand v/s Supply statistics.

• We had lot many era passed since ancient time one from Stone Age to now information age. Information is power; It has been proven now information is routes of existence of humanity and livelihood for economies today.

• The humans and machine are coming nearer to support each other's existence and eliminating many human’s interaction by machines which are defined in one word as ‘technology’.

• In last 2 years specially the global boundaries are shrinking virtually and world became one village by many technological evaluations and specially exploitations of social media presence. SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud) has changed the way People/Economies/Nations act on growth/challenges/opportunities parameters.

• IoT – In last 2 years IoT (Internet of Things) have brought AI (Artificial Intelligence) and big revolutions where M2M (Machine to Machine) communication is increasing and automation is taken a new high.

Some statistics year on year basis to assess technological growth and effect at masses to compare last 2 years growth : (specially online presence of the world)

1) Global Active Internet Users now totals 3.175 Billion, that’s nearly half of the world’s population (7.357 Billion). (Dominance)

2) As for Social Media, there are over 2.206 Billion active users, a global penetration of 30 percent. (Dominance)

3) There are 3.734 Billion Unique Mobile Users as of Nov-15, accounting for a 51percent worldwide penetration.  (Dominance)

4) 1.925 Billion users utilise their mobiles for Social Media platforms. - See more at:

5) Social Media users have risen by 176 Million in the last one year.

Also there is complete revolution the way Business happens in last 2 years :

(including our Business domain which is Travel and Hospitality)

• Virtual space : work from home culture. Efficiency, increased productivity and saving energy. 

• Increased collaborations : We can literally connect to any one of our employees, leaders and co-workers anytime, anywhere. With this dramatic increase in collaboration comes a heightened level of flexibility in communication, allowing co-workers to facilitate continued interaction no matter where each individual may be.

• Improved cost management using M2M, IoT and mobility in business operations.

• Improved way of Security by tech enabled services.

• Big Data advantages finding new markets, new opportunities and growth prospects. Technology changed the world and impacted negatively as well in last few years: (consider these are Disruption)

• Brought down people-to-people personal connect

• Physical moments are lowered and it impacted on health badly from teen agers to elderly.

• E-waste is a major call around the world where hardware is obsolete so frequently and generating E-waste; re-use, re-cycle is a challenge.

• Challenge of reducing carbon footprints: The environment is affected very badly due to greenhouse gases effect by high-energy-consumptions of larger technological setups.

The humanity need controlled way of technological advancement and enhancement; social value, morale, ethics and value system should continue play primary role of change management process where technology may follow the path onwards to make this universe better-place-to-live. 

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