By Devanshu Bhatia, Chief Revenue Officer, Digital (TV shopping & e Commerce), India Today Mediaplex
Devanshu Bhatia, Chief Revenue Officer, Digital (TV shopping & e Commerce), India Today Mediaplex
Starting right at the basics of Roti, Kapra and Makaan, it always pays to be assisted by an expert right from choosing what you wish to eat, choosing the right house or even getting married! In any organization when we hire talent the expectation remains to hire someone who seems like a custom fit as per the job requirements. Similarly, an expert whether in-house or on the company’s roll is handy to consult on media and helps driving good ROI. A media consultant means a powerhouse to the organization who helps transform business and is a marketing broker or handler who promotes the brand perception amongst its user base by means of profitable transactions towards the company. The purpose of a media consultant is to maintain the public image of the organization and make the brand stand out of clutter. Relooking at the 4P’s where "promotion" still holds a good value to be in market, it’s always advisable to have someone package the message to deliver the impact.
The scope and future of media marketing is very prodigious and bright. The current status is very much enhanced since technology took over. People focus on mobile more these days and media apps are just catching the eye of every customer which makes many tasks easier, sometimes generates challenges too. But the future of media consultancy is surely bright as right now each and every person is connected to each other through social media which makes the quest easy. In today’s era just make a call and meet a person at an agreed time and place, then just handover your whole burden to the media consultant and they will do the needful.
In coming years, one will see and realize that media consultants are the people who are working hard to get you what you want to achieve for your business, they provide you a unique and different identity from others and make you stand out in the crowd of thousands of people. Consultants use social media platforms to target audience and provide you special space with customers. Media consultant maintains relationship with audience, media and the opinion leaders. A consultant brings you idiosyncratic and authentic content after great scrutiny. They provide you the topmost, highly precise and accurate database. You may always think that you have a perfect and different story to tell but media consultants or PR professionals will only make the customer to fall that you only have the amazing concept and unique idea.
The benefits of media consultancy are innumerable as they provide you expert skill or knowledge and help you generate traffic. They help you achieve superlative results in a very short time and will give solutions to particular challenges and situations. Media consultant will help you in better decision making, give you appropriate measure to avoid risks and helps to handle risks if happened. It's simple, any agency working as a consultant will have more than just you to handle and service. This means the horizon and level at which they will work will be bigger than one small team. The risks and relationship they will have just by the virtue of volume is exponential.
For instance, I have a relevant example and that too, of my own organization. There was a simple yet very hard working, energetic and diligent boy who worked as an Executive with our organization for around 5 years - at that time he just had the knowledge of one single organization which he had worked for but then after having gaining relevant experience, he planned to move and start a consultancy which he owned because he wanted to work independently. Now after about two years, there is an extreme change in his personality, attitude as well as his perspective. His perception of judging things changed too with time as he is now dealing with more than 10 companies that are functioning with him. Because of his sharp knowledge and brilliant ideas, many companies are planning to work with him. He is one of the best media consultants these days with ample ideas and positive possible resolutions that take companies to a new level with huge benefits. So, in short, there is very bright future of being a media consultant and undoubtedly, the future of media consultants will sparkle.
This also means there can be some crisis and expectation management. Agencies tend to typecast a client basis the monies being spent. Other disadvantages of media consultancy could include high cost to work as if you are paying 100 bucks and your competitor is giving 200 bucks to the agent then he will give you less time and things than your competitor. Your organization will lack in the point of contiguity as you will not have any direct contact with your customers. You will not have your own control over your organization and you have to blindly follow the footprints of your consultant to reach your destination even if you don’t have any idea of where you are going as your media consultant will show you all the best possible and positive points of their plan without even telling you a single disadvantage. The face for your brand is still them. Organization will lack in internal line of communication too.
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