Realfinity Realty: One Of The Most Effective Real Estate Consultancies Providing Strategic Consultancy To All

By Parminder Singh, Founder


Parminder Singh, Founder

With the work­force getting constant upgradation and improvements to carter to the changing industry requirements many are for­getting the impact that employees work environment will have on his/ her performance. Many companies are slowly catching up on this con­cept and are taking necessary ac­tions to update their office rooms and workspaces to offer the best possible work environment for their employees. With licensing not neces­sary for office consultants in India, unprofessional consultants operat­ing in the sector started closing the deals with fake promises which ad­versely affected the entire reputation of the industry.

Offering unparalleled expert solutions in the Indian commer­cial space management domain and customized workplace designing across India is Realfinity Realty. The Founder of the company Parminder Singh and Co-Founder Gurpreet Kaur had envisioned creating a unique company that will have the creden­tials to cater to even the toughest  of challenges that their clients are facing. The company firmly believes that digital workplace customization is something straight from the em­ployees’ thoughts and their inputs are crucial in creating a success­ful and effective office design plan. Realfinity Realty, with their domain expertise, considers different as­pects of their clients’ requirements before starting their conceptualiza­tion process. The company takes ev­ery measure to ensure that their cus­tomer’s journey is as stress-free as possible to gain the trust and good­will of the clients they are working with.

Realfinity Realty makes sure that their clients are given the best services and solutions possible to ensure that they stand out from the rest"

Quality and Transparency  Key to Success
Realfinity Realty makes sure that their clients are given the best ser­vices and solutions possible to en­sure that they stand out from the rest in an industry where anyone can call themselves a professional real estate consultant. “We are an end-to-end service provider in the sector and we offer various profes­sional consultant services for our clients such as Corporate Leasing, Retail Leasing, Investment Advisory, Transaction Management, Tenant  Representation, Occupier Services, and Land Acquisition. We as a com­pany make sure that we don’t hide anything from the clients and en­sure that they are not only satisfied with their needs but also get some extra revenue in the future. On the odd occasion that something hasn’t gone according to plan, we are not afraid to put our hands up and ad­mit it and we have a clear complaints procedure and an effective inhouse tracker system to ensure that we are always aware of the problems and find the needed solutions with imme­diate effect”, avers Parminder Singh, Founder, Realfinity Realty.

As an experienced commer­cial property consultant, Realfinity Realty helps its clients to under­stand the best optimization of space as per the budget, how to plan fu­ture of property to gain profit, legal documentation, and litigation. The company’s unique ability to assess their client‘s strategic goals and im­plement solutions that tactically fit the operational objectives, financial  goals and visions of the clients have helped Realfinity Realty to have PAN India presence with a network that spans across 200 cities in 21 states. This customer oriented approach has helped the company to work with clients across various industry verticals and Realfinity Realty has created an impressive client port­folio that includes companies like Carlsberg India Private Ltd, Nippon group, DBS Bank, and ICICI Bank.

Employees Driving the Growth
With the reputation of the Indian commercial property consultant space being damaged by so many am­ateur consultants and their unethical practices Realfinity Realty had their work cut out for them in their ini­tial days but by making their clients aware about the quality and cred­ibility of their operations, they were able to get a foothold in the industry. The company owes their success to their well trained and professionally competent employees and Realfinity Realty conducts regular training and development programs for their em­ployees to ensure that they always stay on top of their game. To bring in a family kind of feeling in the orga­nization the company conducts vari­ous team building activities includ­ing team outings also.

With some of their employees be­ing with them for nearly 9 years, it is evident that Realfinity Realty is one of the best companies out there to work for on a long term basis. “We are not just passionate about training people on how to sell and lease prop­erties but we are passionate about our employees’ development, both personally and professionally. That’s why we are one of the very few com­panies having employees with the most satisfied tenure and a healthy and happy working atmosphere”, says Gurpreet Kaur, Co-Founder, Realfinity Realty. The company has been working relentlessly to make sure that their growth percentage is always rising and the company has set its sights on major expansion projects in Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Gujarat in the coming years.

Parminder Singh, Founder
A graduate from Delhi University, he started his career as the Head of business development with Realistic Realtors. He has acquired the lead role in supporting a large number of Indian and Multinational Corporate Companies to set up office facilities in Delhi‘s and NCR‘s leading commercial areas. With his 2 decades of professional expertise Parminder is aiming to guide Realfinity Realty into unprecedented heights in the Indian real estate sector.

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