| |JANUARY 20188Consultants ReviewTRAINING & HR CHALLENGES IN THE IT INDUSTRY FOR 2018SpringPeople is one of India's largest enterprise training providers and the market leaders in technology training. A graduate from IIT(BHU) and West Virginia University, Ravi heads SpringPeople as the CEO.By Ravi Kaklasaria, Chief Executive Officer, SpringPeopleIN MY OPINIONn terms of investment in technology in US, Indian IT industry is predicted to see an upturn in the upcoming year. NASSCOM also is standing by their previous assessment regarding 7 to 8 per cent export growth for the Indian IT industry as a whole. But in this era of automation, artificial intelligence and big data, what is the future of IT jobs? While opportunities abound, the face of Human Capital Management rapidly has to evolve to keep pace. Today, human capital management is the source of competitive advantage for all organizations. Therefore, the training industry in India has revolutionized to create a smarter workforce and precedes the best termination. Brought on by changes in skills gap, values, technology, organizational structure, generational differences, and more, there are three major challenges the HR industry is facing. In a recent survey done by the Society for Human Resource Management, HR professionals stated the below mentioned challenges as the biggest one.· Retaining and rewarding the best employees (59%)· Developing the next generation of corporate leaders (52%)· Creating a corporate culture that attracts the best employees (36%)One of the main challenges an organization or the human resource management faces is the skills gap, which is only going to become wider. Organizations expect skills like big data, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning to embrace innovation, but most universities' academic programs are outdated and fail to teach the latest technologies. As new technologies and processes are the need of the hour, it is up to the tech companies themselves to train their new and experienced workforce. In addition to these HRM challenges, training & development teams face roadblocks of their own.I
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