Advantages of Cognitive Assessment

By Sthitaprajnya Panigrahi Thursday, 19 December 2019

While hiring a workforce a company undergoes a lot of analysis to select the most suitable candidates. Examining the aspirants through numerous standards and procedures, the selection team undergoes a lot of toils just to select a handful of individuals for the organization. Companies prefer to select candidates through cognitive assessments which help them to measure the intellectual ability and general intelligence of the candidates. Generally held in multiple-choice questions, these assessments typically hold questions related to numerical, verbal, analytical and logical tests.

While most of the selection procedures take one day or two but sometimes it also extends up to weeks depending upon the number of applicants and the procedure of the assessment. Organizations are taking maximum precautions to set the question pattern which will push the ability of the candidates to the maximum limit. The organizations very well know that the more they filter through these tests or assessments, the better workforce they will be able to create for their institutions. Many reputed MNCs are constantly evaluating their assessment patterns to pick the candidates just not as per their academic performance but also their presence of mind and smartness to tackle a problem instantly.

To get a clearer view of the concept and to understand the important role played by cognitive assessments in deciding the employee selection procedure the points stated below will be useful:

  1. Avoids Terrible Hiring Decisions: Pre-employment test scans the applicants and only select the candidates not only on the basis of their academic and aptitude level performance but also as per their personality. After selection, the company drains a lot of resources to train the new workforce as per the requirement of the company. Any bad hiring who cannot cope up with the training process will waste a lot of time, resource and energy of the company. Hence pre-placement tests chose the best candidates and avoid any bad hiring decisions at the initial stage.
  2. Evaluates the Capacities of New recruits: These tests will let the organization know the ability of the recent recruits and the amount of training they require to give their best output. The organization will know which area to focus on and which specific areas to avoid in the post-placement training session.
  3. Easier to Conduct and Administer: All these cognitive assessments will be taken through a computer which will be much easier to conduct. Apart from that, it will be time-saving as the results will soon be declared and further procedures can be commenced as soon as possible. Neither the company nor the candidate will have to wait days for the results. It is also quite inexpensive and requires fewer resources in comparison to the traditional method of examination.
  4. Highly Reliable: As all the candidates will be evaluated through the same procedure the cognitive assessments will be fair and valid. Through transparent selection procedures, the recruiters will be able to take consistent hiring decisions.
  5. Better than Individual Tests: Cognitive assessments possess the accuracy of the highest standard. A combination of various subjects such as aptitude, reasoning, the logical and numerical ability will test the flexibility of the candidates' minds within the limited time and is more efficient than tests based on individual subjects.

Today’s competitive and ever-changing industry requires employees who have the ability to learn and adapt along with the progression of technology. Pre-employment tests or cognitive assessments inspect the ability of the candidates as per the requirement and obligation of the industry. Completely unbiased in terms of gender, race, and other irrelevant factors the transparency of these examinations are immense and should be implemented by every corporate to choose a desirable workforce.


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