ChatGPT is the Target of a Privacy Complaint: Not adhering Legal Requirements

By Consultants Review Team Monday, 29 April 2024

Advocacy group NOYB lodged a privacy complaint against Microsoft-backed firm OpenAI with the Austrian data protection authorities. The complaint pointed out that OpenAI failed to correct erroneous data provided by their generative AI chatbot, ChatGPT, which could have breached EU privacy laws.

As per the claims, ChatGPT frequently displayed inaccurate information when the complainant, a well-known individual, enquired about his birthdate, according to a complaint filed by NOYB.

When ChatGPT is unsure about the information it is presenting, it often issues a disclaimer stating that the data may not always be "adequate," "updated," or "correct." In this instance, though, it did not demonstrate that it lacked the essential data.

Furthermore, when prompted to correct the data, it declined to do so. When the user requested, it also failed to provide any references or sources from which the information was obtained.

In the past, there have been instances where OpenAI was unable to provide accurate information, and the business repeatedly accepted this. The business is attempting to address this problem as soon as possible.

According to NOYB, it has lodged a complaint to look into the veracity of personal information processed by OpenAI's massive language models. An examination of OpenAI's data processing procedures was demanded in the complaint.

"It's evident that businesses are currently unable to make chatbots like ChatGPT comply with EU law, when processing data about individuals," stated Maartje de Graaf, a data protection lawyer with NOYB, in a statement. A system cannot be utilized to create data on specific individuals if it is unable to yield clear and reliable outcomes. The law must be followed by technology, not the other way around.

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