While granting interim relief to Amazon, the Delhi High Court on Tuesday directed the Future group to maintain a status quo with regard to its deal with Reliance Retail.
While directing Future group to place on record the actions taken by them after the date of Emergency Arbitrator’s award and the present status of all those actions, the court also directed all the authorities to maintain a status quo with respect to all matters in violation of the October 25, 2020 order of Emergency Arbitrator by which the Future Group was restrained from proceeding with its deal with “entities that are part of the Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani (MDA) Group”.
The authorities have also been directed to file a status report within 10 days. “This court is satisfied that immediate orders are necessary to protect the rights of the petitioner till the pronouncement of the reserved order,” Justice J R Midha said in an interim order.
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