By Sassy, content writer
Sassy, content writer
Living with diabetes is no cakewalk. From meal plans, and workout routines, to tracking your blood sugar levels at regular intervals, there is a lot that requires your efforts to manage diabetes. Although you can join diabetes reversal plans that can help you to manage diabetes, there are certain actions that you need to take at your individually to keep your blood sugar levels normal. If your blood sugar levels are elevated for a longer period, it can lead to hyperglycemia and other complications associated with diabetes. Internal factors such as inefficiently producing or using insulin and external factors such as eating choices, physical inactivity, stress, etc. all lead to the onset of diabetes and constantly fluctuating blood sugar levels. It is essential that if you are a diabetic your blood sugar must be in sync with your blood sugar normal range to reduce the risk of developing complications. For your aid, here are ways that will help you to manage your sugar levels effectively.
Keep your carb intake under control- Optimal intake of carbohydrates is effective in keeping blood sugar levels under control. The quantity of carbohydrates one intakes influences glucose levels immensely. Carbs are broken down into sugars (glucose) which are later treated by insulin to be stored as energy. However, if you are consuming too many carbs, the insulin functionality gets damaged and the blood sugar gets spiked. Therefore, it is recommended to people with diabetes manage their carbohydrate intake. Go for low-carb foods and whole grains instead of processed and refined foods which will help to decrease the spiked sugar levels.
Focus on physical activeness- If you follow a daily workout routine that helps you to manage your weight, you will have increased insulin sensitivity which will eventually enable the cells of your body to use insulin effectively. Monitor your blood sugar levels before and after performing physical activity to know what kind of physical workout works best for you. Go for workouts that do not drain your body but are impactful. Once you gain strength, you can go for intense workouts that help to build muscle mass which enables your body to burn more calories throughout the day would eventually lead to reduced blood sugar levels.
Include fibrous foods in your diet- Fiber slows down the digestion process which makes the blood sugar levels rise gradually. The two types of fibers namely insoluble and soluble both are vital for maintaining normal sugar levels. Consuming fiber-rich foods will enable your body to enhance its digestion and maintain improved blood sugar levels for longer durations. You must add high-fiber vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes to your meals to make them healthy and suitable for your diagnosis. The recommended daily fiber intake for women is around 25 grams and for men, it's around 35 grams. To manage diabetes optimally, you must fulfill this requirement.
Keep your body hydrated- Apart from aiding diabetes, drinking an ideal quantity of water helps to fight many more diseases. Drinking enough water keeps your body hydrated and eventually keeps your blood sugar levels within the normal range. As your body uses the kidneys to get rid of extra sugar via urination, drinking water helps this process. People who drink enough water are at lower risk of having spiked blood sugar levels than those who aren’t hydrated. Drinking water also helps the weight loss process which makes you less prone to developing type 2 diabetes. To consume an ideal quantity of water daily you can set reminders or get a bottle that fascinates you to drink more water.
Lower your stress levels- Stress plays an important role in managing diabetes. Having increased stress levels is directly linked to having spiked blood sugar levels. When you are stressed, your body secrets certain hormones which cause your sugar levels to rise. Having stress can also cause many other mental disorders added to diabetes. To manage your stress practice mindfulness, yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques, etc. You can also seek social support to reduce your stress levels. You can join diabetes support groups or online portals to connect to people like you who are fighting diabetes. Such activities mend the process of insulin secretion and provide you with a better chance of winning the fight against diabetes.
Eat foods that have a low glycemic index- Glycemic index affects your blood sugar levels by determining how fast the carbs you consume are broken down and how quickly the blood absorbs them. Consumption of foods with high glycemic index spike your blood sugar levels. Therefore, you should opt for foods that are low in glycemic index or have a medium glycemic index. Some foods that are low in GI and must be added to a diabetic diet include oats, barley, unsweetened Greek yogurt, legumes, lentils, non-starchy vegetables, etc. You can also eat fruits that are low in GI and rich in fiber.
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