By Sthitaprajnya Panigrahi
Due to the unavoidable uncertainties prevailed by COVID-19, working remotely has just become another phenomenon in the corporate sector. However, this newest policy is keeping the managers pragmatically apart from the employees creating hurdles in direct and fast interaction. Most organizations are preferring to establish remote-work policies and training the managers on how to effectively handle the workforce. Due to many obstacles such as lack of face to face supervision, social isolation, lack of access to information, distractions at home, and many more, working from home is gradually becoming a stressful and monotonous experience. Encouraging to enhance the work feasibility and catalyzing the speed of work while functioning from home, the managers are trying to take advantage of every existing possibility.
The article highlights some of the points about managing remote workers effectively which are mentioned below.
1. Create Organized Regular Check-Ins: Make the everyday check-ins a habit by keeping track of the employees through their work. Interacting with them on a regular basis either on official or non-official topics can make the employees feel connected to the organization. If any calls from the employees get missed due to some reason, try to contact them as soon as possible as they might be stuck in some work and expecting help from you.
2. Communicate Through Various Platforms: It is not advisable to limit all the official conversation to a single platform like email or Skype messages. Performing a vast load of the job without properly interacting with the team members can be very much
Most organizations are preferring to establish remote-work policies and training the managers on how to effectively handle the workforce.
stressful and can also hinder the active participation of many employees. Many managers are currently taking communication very seriously and are engaging with the teammates via zoom call or video conferencing as and when required.
3. Having Remote Social Interactions: Most of the managers are interacting with their team either about work or non-work topics. These remote social interactions are not only boosting confidence but also emotionally supporting the employees. With virtual office parties and online gifts, managers are trying to restrengthen their bond with the employees.
4. Allow Flexibility: One of the perks of the work from home is flexibility and managers should feel considerate about it. Permit the employees to work whenever they like as long as they are fulfilling their daily quota of work. While remotely working from their homes or residences, employees often tend to engage in other personal obligations. In these unprecedented times of pandemic, managers should try to understand the employees and allow some flexibility.
5. Set Early Guidelines: Keeping in mind about the shortcomings of remote working managers should set the guidelines at the earliest. They should ensure precision on primacies, milestones, presentation goals and more by understanding each team member's convenience and availability.
Although there is no shortcut or straight forward formula for ensuring effective remote work, managers can keep track of the emotional quotient of the employees. The atmosphere of home will never be the same as the office, but what the employees need is just a bit of support from their managers in these toughest times.
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