Reddit is back Online Following a Worldwide Outage that Affected Thousands

By Consultants Review Team Friday, 26 April 2024

The well-known social networking site Reddit went down hard earlier today, preventing users from accessing the site for about an hour. "Oops, something went wrong, please try again later" was the error message that appeared to users when they attempted to use the platform.

Around 10:10 PM IST, the interruption started, and reports of it flooded Downdetector, a website that keeps track of internet service failures. Tens of thousands of users in the US were impacted by the outage at its height, and reports from users in other nations, such as the UK and India, also came in.

Reddit posted a message on its status page in response to the widespread issue, citing a backend issue as the cause. Users were given the assurance by the firm that they had located the problem and were making efforts to fix it. This event comes after another problem that was reported earlier in the day and that Reddit says was fixed at about 9:50 PM IST.

In response, Reddit said, "We have fixed the issue that left tens of thousands of users across the globe without access to the social media platform for more than half an hour." According to the company, they have implemented a remedy and the platform is back up and running.

Current Issue

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