Rourkela Steel Plant of SAIL bagged the ENCON Award 2021

The Rourkela Steel Plant of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has bagged the Energy Conservation Award in the Eastern region ENCON Award 2021 competition. The Rourkela Steel Plant was adjudged that with its best-ever 4.75-star energy rating in the competition held by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in September. The rating is also the best ever for SAIL.

SR Suryawanshi, ED (Works), handed over the ENCON Award Certificate to Naresh Kumar, CGM (Utilities and Environment), KK Pandey, GM Incharge (EMD) and his team during an award ceremony held at the office of ED (Works) on November 5, 2021.

Speaking at the occasion, Suryawanshi commended the efforts of the energy management department in reducing specific energy consumption patterns of the plant which has led to huge cost savings. 

Some of the activities undertaken by the department which helped in bagging the award were modification in BF gas grid along with Coke Ovens, Blast Furnace and Instrumentation Departments.  These activities have resulted in retrieval of additional BF gas of about 70 000 Nm3/hr into the network. 

The additional BF gas allocation to Captive Power Plant -I and Power Blowing Station has led to reduction in boiler coal consumption of around 100004 Tons in CPP-I in 2020-21 over previous year. This has enabled to reduce Specific Energy consumption to 6.19 Giga Cal/Ton of Crude Steel, which is best amongst SAIL plants.

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