By Consultants Review Team
At the G7 meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on the global community to transform technological monopolies into access for all, urging efforts to guarantee that the advantages of technology reach all segments of society, unlocking the potential of every individual and helping to erase societal inequities.
He declared, "This should not only be our goal, but also our duty." At the G7 outreach session on AI and energy, Modi emphasized that technology had to be grounded in a human-centric approach, citing India's experience in utilizing digital technology for public service delivery.
"We need to use technology to create, not to destroy." We won't be able to establish the framework for an inclusive society until then, he continued.
In an official statement, Modi emphasized that the goal of technology should be to promote the advancement and well-being of all people while discussing India's AI Mission, which is based on the idea of "AI for All."Speaking at the outreach session on artificial intelligence, energy, Africa, and the Mediterranean, Modi stated that India was promoting international collaboration in light of this, having founded the Global Partnership for AI.
The prime minister expressed his immense joy at being part of the summit following his re-election in the "greatest democratic exercise in human history."
The PM also demanded that the issues facing the Global South, especially Africa, be given top consideration.He noted that the admission of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20 was an honor for India.
Regarding the Indian elections, Modi declared that the widespread use of technology had made the entire process fair and transparent, and he hailed the return of his government as a triumph of democracy. And it is my good fortune that I have been able to serve the people of India for a third time in a row. In the past 60 years, this has never occurred in India before. The democratic victory is the blessing bestowed by the Indian people in the shape of this momentous win. He declared, "It is the triumph of the democratic world as a whole."
According to the PM, India bases its energy policy on four guiding principles: acceptability, affordability, accessibility, and availability. According to him, India is the only nation to have fulfilled all of its COP obligations ahead of schedule.
The PM went into further detail about India's energy transformation plan, emphasizing that its strategy was predicated on acceptance, accessibility, affordability, and availability. He stated that India was striving to reach net zero by 2070. He called on the world community to join the tree-planting campaign he launched on World Environment Day, "Plant4Mother" (Ek Pedh Maa Ke Naam), alluding to India's Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), and to make it a mass movement with a personal touch and global responsibility, the government stated.
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