Strategies to Boost Business Through A Virtual Event

By Sthitaprajnya Panigrahi Friday, 15 January 2021

Although the growth of technology has compelled us all to adopt a digitized lifestyle, the burst of the pandemic has certainly catalyzed its intensity. Almost every activity which once required physical presence has been replaced by digital connectivity and the world grew a bit closer along with it. While the Indian market is not completely new to the virtual event phenomenon, it still needs to make some noise to grab the attention it requires. An effective and seamless way of marketing, promotion of a virtual event requires a lot of strategies to be implemented.

Some of the pointers are mention below which highlight some of the important strategies to boost business through a virtual event.

  • Creation of an event page: Creating an event page that can attract a lot of attention is good for the promotion of the event. It should be innovative and eye-catching along with the time and date of the event. Make it stand out and encourage people to sign up by implementing eye-catching graphics, professional pictures and engaging clips of keynote speakers, workshop leaders, and performers which can motivate the viewers. To prevent people from wandering away from your event page, ensure that all relevant videos, pictures, and other media are embedded in the page. This will prevent the viewers to wander off elsewhere. Finally, the business should include all of the essential details to make the event page a one-stop-shop for necessary information.
  • Use of Significant Keywords: Most businesses are aware of the use of keywords that are useful in boosting the business website and promote published content with search engines. Businesses can go for the use of keyword planning tools like Google Ads to learn what relevant words people are searching for most often and include them in the content you use to promote your virtual event. By uncovering relevant words with a simple Google search, a business can be promoted through the virtual marketing industry.
  • Use of e-mail Marketing: In an era of social media marketing, email can still be very much effective for brand promotion and marketing. An effective strategy in all areas of business, businesses can share e-mails to highlight their upcoming events along with exciting updates, and post-event wrap-ups.  To reinforce the interest of the readers, decorate your email with lively imagery that conveys appropriate engagement even in an online format simultaneously offering special discount codes.
  • Leveraging Social Media Platforms: There are numerous ways to promote the virtual event of businesses through social media platforms. While announcing the relevant virtual event ensure to post it on all of your company’s social media accounts such as Facebook, Linked In, Instagram, Twitter and more. Facebook Events are not only free but are also easy to share and keeps track of your RSVPs. LinkedIn is a great platform to enhance the event promotion of businesses along with the option of ads, groups, highlighting company pages, and even self-promotion. In twitter, creating a hashtag for business event can spread the word of the event like wildfire.
  • Ensuring Innovative Contents: Innovative content is the key feature that can either make or break a brand. So, promoting an event needs some exceptional content that can express excitement over the information and the speakers. Writing eye-catching phrases and picturesque graphics can promote the event to a great deal and one of the important features to focus on.

In the modern 21st century era, virtual and online events are becoming much more common by allowing businesses to reach a million audiences across the globe with hundreds of people in different places at different times. Requiring the same amount of arrangement, sponsorship, and accommodation as any real-life physical event, the virtual events ensure a lot of advantages in return which makes it a premium choice to go for at present.

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