The Tamil Nadu Start-Ups and Innovative Mission (TANSIM) has come out with two new ventures, which includes Start-upTN Brandlabs and a Start-upTN Launchpad.
Minister for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises T.M. Ambarasan will launch the two new initiatives this week.
The TANSIM in a statement on Monday said that Start-upTN Brandlabs will have successful entrepreneurs, emerging start-ups at various stages, and aspirants including students who want to learn everything about marketing and branding. This will be a community-based forum.
The branding guidance programme, according to TANSIM will be a community-driven forum that is powered by TANSIM for emerging markets start-ups to gain initial market support. This is a novel idea to help Tamil Nadu-based start-ups to take their brands to the national and international arena.
TANSIM CEO and Mission Director, Sivarajah Ramanathan in a statement said, "Branding is the winning proposition of any company and is a blended skill of both arts and science." He said that most companies in Tamil Nadu were traditionally maintaining a low profile culture in branding their products and services."
Ramanathan said, "The TN Brandlabs will be a knowledge and networking forum with branding experts from across the globe and help start-up companies to interact and evolve path-breaking branding strategies."
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