The Future of Personalized AI in Business: A Comprehensive Look into Digital Clone Creation

By Shiwani Pradhan, Correspondent, Consultants Review Thursday, 18 April 2024

Looking at the idea of developing a customized AI, or digital clone, which is an immensely intriguing subject that has been on my mind a lot lately. We're talking about an AI that mimics a single, distinct personality, set of abilities, and set of beliefs, not just any AI. Imagine an AI that not only has a single voice but also has the same level of competence as them. It's intriguing to consider this. As you may remember, there was a lot of discussion a few years ago over the creation of biological clones and the necessity of strict laws prohibiting the technique for any purpose other than, maybe, organ harvesting. Perhaps folks were afraid these creatures might turn into monsters or something.

The problem is, if you were to print a 3D version of oneself, it would essentially be an inanimate vegetable suitable solely for harvesting organs; it wouldn't be able to move, communicate, feed itself, understand, or do other fundamental tasks like these. The idea, we believe, was to build replicas of oneself to achieve a type of immortality, but even if you taught it everything, it wouldn't be you. Often, getting a new body every 20 years till your brain fails may be a superset of plastic surgery if you could transplant the brain. It could postpone the onset of dementia, but ultimately the brain issue would need to be addressed. If not, you would just be a young, insane person. 

Your personality is electronically duplicated in a digital clone. The creation and interaction of one of the earliest digital clones is described in Virtually Human. 

Not even a digital clone could be created exactly like you were. It wouldn't develop physiologically and then replicate all of your encounters, conversations, and educational opportunities. Rather, it would be designed to look like you and learn mostly by watching or programming it to behave the way you do. Intriguingly, if you attempted the impossibility of growing it as you were developed, the outcome would probably be far less likely to be a match.

Benefits of Digital Clone 

A digital clone's lack of hormones stemming from its existence in a computer would be one of its main benefits. It wouldn't have the animalistic brain regions that frequently cause people to act inconsistently and make regrettable decisions out of emotion. The intriguing thing is that, in the absence of those characteristics, it isn't a perfect clone either, thus the more stable the clone is in comparison to you, the less like you it is and the less of a clone it truly is.

With the exact parameters you would use, a digital clone might make judgments at machine speed and without prejudice. Consider beginning your day with only one email that needs your attention rather than hundreds. Imagine if a system could react to each one of them the same way you would, then summarise its actions on one page.

Imagine a system that could search the majority of the Web in realtime and only notify you about the content, wherever it may be, that you would truly find interesting—as if you had personally perused everything. Everything from a nice product you didn't realize you actually wanted to a treatment for a disease that may otherwise kill you would be learned by it. 

A clone with your values may function as an assistant on steroids, greatly simplifying your life and cutting down your workweek from its current length to a few hours. 

There is cause for concern - after all, you do wonder if the company will eventually pay you for those few hours—but there's also a chance that you'll have multiple clones, hundreds of jobs, and a total income that may be significantly higher than what you could make right now.

We may all become CEOs of thousands of digital clones of ourselves, or at least the most successful among us, instead of leading simple lives. I'm remembering The Brain Center at Whipples, an old Twilight Zone episode, and it's not a good one for some reason.

The Idea of a Digital Twin for Personalized AI Clone 

Though basic, the concept is groundbreaking. Imagine having an AI assistant that is a virtual representation of you rather than merely a robotic aid. It's similar to creating your greatest digital version of yourself. Instead of coming off as a generic AI, this AI would converse with you in your own unique way. 

Utilization: The Commercial Perspective 

Let's now add a twist: apply our AI to a commercial setting. Consider posting it on your social media pages or website. Envision conversing with your clients while expressing your ideas and convictions. It feels like being in several places at once without physically being there! 

Proficiency and Revisions 

This AI must be a master of all trades, or more precisely, a jack-of-all trades, as our goal is a commercial application. My AI clone must be exceptionally skilled in automation, coding, process management, and data analysis, as these are my areas of competence. The worst part is that it needs to adapt to my changing skill set. 

Usability: Beyond Simple Conversation 

When I imagine the AI, I picture it operating on platforms similar to Telegram or WhatsApp, much like a chatbot. It answers basic questions and offers responses depending on what it has been trained to know. And when it comes to an end? It brings the matter closer to me. In this manner, it eliminates repetitive duties, freeing me up to concentrate on challenging issues. 

Data Preparation: Fundamental 

Data preparation is essential for this AI. Conversation logs, FAQs, technical documentation, and other topics are covered.The AI is powered by this data, which enables it to comprehend and react appropriately. 

Why is it important? 

AI-powered customization is important because it marks a big change in the way companies communicate with customers in the digital world. Artificial intelligence customization improves user experience and increases happiness and loyalty by skillfully handling the dizzying amount of options accessible online.It gives companies additional opportunities for expansion and competitiveness, allowing for more accurate targeting and effective operations.The shift to AI personalization also emphasizes the significance of data protection and ethical AI practices, which are essential for fostering trust and preserving a viable business model in the digital age. 

Concluding the Prospects 

The process of turning an AI digital clone is more than simply a technological undertaking; it's a fusion of efficiency and customization, a link between the human touch and AI power. Will AI be individualized in the future, or will there be a one-size-fits-all approach?

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