By Consultants Review Team
WhatsApp just announced the Privacy Checkup function on Android and iOS devices to strengthen the popular social media app's security features. "This step-by-step feature guides you through important privacy settings to help you choose the right level of protection, all in one place," Meta wrote in a blog post unveiling the new Privacy Checkup function. By clicking 'Start checkup' in your Privacy settings, you will be guided through numerous privacy levels that will increase the security of your messages, calls, and personal information."
Privacy Checkup, according to a page describing the new function, "allows you to access step-by-step guidance to help strengthen the security of your account and customize your privacy settings all in one place."
How does Privacy Checkup work on your phone?
Navigate to the settings menu on your iOS or Android smartphone and open WhatsApp. The banner to begin the privacy inspection is now displayed at the top of the screen. To change the privacy settings, select the specific option. Top privacy settings you may change with Privacy Checkup:
Regulate who can contact you: Users have the ability to regulate who can contact them and block unwanted calls and messages. They can also manage blacklisted contacts, adjust who can add them to groups, and silence unknown callers.
Control personal information: Users can choose who they wish to share personal information with, such as their online status and activity. They can also restrict who can view their profile photo, last seen and online status, and manage read receipts.
Default message timer: By configuring their default message timer and end-to-end encrypted backups, users can restrict access to their messages and material.
Fingerprint protection: With the fingerprint lock and two-step verification control, WhatsApp users may help secure their accounts by providing an extra layer of security.
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