The Asian Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. (ACE) is an independent consulting company functioning exclusively in the field of water and environment sectors providing excellent Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) solutions. Its main area of expertise is to provide consulting services and sustainable solutions for infrastructural, industrial and social development projects. The company believes that the key to success is the ability to work effectively with its esteemed clients, i.e., to define, address and resolve their EHS concerns satisfactorily and effectively.
The ACE offers technical talent, specialised expertise, physical resources and requisite facilities that are indispensable in responding to the in-numerable water and environmental issues threatening the world today and challenging the very existence of human beings on this Earth. The salient features of the company are its international standard and quality of work, along with the timely completion of all its projects, aiming 100 per cent client satisfaction, as well as meeting all the guidelines and deadlines in each assignment. That is the ACE.
Spearheaded by competent and dynamic new-age leaders, Dr. Suparna Mullick (the Chair-person of the ACE) and Mr. Abhaye Mahajan (the Managing Director), the ACE has success-fully executed more than 350 projects across 15 countries, since its inception in 2003. The broad spectrum of national and international clientele handled by the ACE include the State and Central Government Agencies, the International Funding Agencies like the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the US AID, the European Union Fund, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Department for International Development (UK),besides various other Public-Private sectors and Multinational companies. Some of the renowned global brands like the Amazon, JP Morgan, Reliance, Adani, Oil India Limited, ONGC, Coca-Cola and many more have been the keen allies of the ACE.
Explaining the nature and working of the ACE Team, the Managing Director, Mr. Abhaye Mahajan says, “Under-standing the Project, its timely completion and premium quality work which ascertains giving crisp and clear solutions without diluting the matter, as per the requirements of the Project and the Client is what gives the ACE an edge over its competitors in this industry. The MD, Mr. Mahajan further adds stating an example that while running the Project, NATEJA across the Taliban-infected regions of Afghanistan, the challenges faced by the ACE team were grim and gigantic. The team of ACE reached out to the native residents of the remote Afghan villages to interact with them and encourage them to have a better livelihood by laying down their weapons as a programme run by the Government of Afghanistan through funding from the World Bank, concerning the environmental and social aspects.
Offering the perfect amalgamation of quality and performance through its experienced and skilled professionals, managers and support personnel, the ACE is well-equipped with the state-of-the-art of the latest and modern technologies, such as the GIS-Remote Sensing, the Share point-based work, use of Project-based App, Mathematical Modelling exercise for predicting the impact/simulation of real-life scenarios and for taking the appropriate decisions, etc. The prime motto of this Water and Environmental Engineering Firm is to implement the Projects (both National and International) to the complete satisfaction of its esteemed clients.
“We have successfully completed salient projects like the Baseline Survey on Flood Mitigation and Resilience under the Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project (IUFMP) in the Ibadan City, Nigeria (A World Bank-funded Project), the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for the 400 KV Backbone Overhead Line Project in Malawi. (World Bank-funded Project), the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and the Sewerage Networks at the Mbezi Beach Area, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (World Bank-funded Project), The SESIA for Oil and Gas sub-sector in Tanzania (World Bank Funded Project), the Independent Consultants for the World Bank Funded Project for the EIA, the Regional Biodiversity and Cumulative Impact Assessment for Trade Corridor Development, Mizoram, India, and many more,” said the ACE Chairperson, Dr. Suparna Mullick.
“We also have the experience and expertise on complex water quality modelling programmes like the Qual 2eu, WASP, SWMM and the HECRAS; for example: The successful completion of the Environmental Audit Exercise in Water Supply Scheme under the Uttarakhand Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Uttarakhand, India (A World Bank Funded Project), the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Sewerage Network Improvement and Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) Facilities in Lusaka, Zambia. (World Bank-funded Project), etc.
With regard to the Infrastructural Development Projects, the ACE is involved with a number of prestigious Projects, such as: the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Rehabilitation of Tailings Dam (TD 10) and the Overburden Dump (OB 54) in Copperbelt Province in Zambia (A World Bank-funded Project), the Jurisdictional Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) for Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project, Zambia (World Bank-funded Project), the Zambia Mining Project, the Implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the 400 kV Transmission Power Line in Mozambique and Malawi. (World Bank-funded Project), the Independent EIA, Regional Biodiversity and Cumulative Impact Assessment for Trade Corridor Development, Mizoram, India (World Bank Funded Project), etc.
The salient features of the company are its international standard and quality of work, along with the timely completion of all its projects, aiming 100 per cent client satisfaction, as well as meeting all the guidelines and deadlines in each assignment.
Apart from the successful completion of all the environmental and social projects mentioned above, we are also plausibly engaged to drive impeccable outcomes across the world that include countries such as, Georgia, Thai-land, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan and regions of Africa,” avers the Chairperson of the ACE. She further asserts that as a water and environmental consultancy firm engaged in high quality and challenging assignments, the main goal of the organisation is to ensure quality output and efficiency in all its Projects that allows the company to bag appreciation, positive feed-back and retained clientele.
Offering the perfect amalgamation of quality and performance through its experienced and skilled professionals, managers and support personnel, the ACE is well- equipped with the state-of-the-art of the latest and modern technologies
However, like other countries in the world, the eco-nomic growth of India, too has been severely affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the past almost two years. This unfortunate scenario has affected the livelihood of millions of Indians working in various Public as well as Private Sector Units, Small, Medium and the Large -scale Enterprises. Nonetheless, the economy is slowly recovering from the series of lockdowns and restrictions that were imposed due to the pandemic, and it is expected that the country will reach to a quick recovery, considering its past achievements and efforts for constant improvement. During these hard times, the ACE, as an Employee-friendly Organisation has also tried its level best to support its employees by providing them with computers, laptops, mobiles, cameras, headphones, chairs, tables, etc. to comfortably ‘Work from Home’. Also, all the office staff have been provided with their full salaries during this challenging period, particularly the lower-level salaried staff, who are one of the most affected class of the Indian economy, today.
Summing up, the ACE had many proud moments too in its successful journey of about 18 years. Besides being awarded India’s Top Performing MSMEs by The Economic Times Digital in 2020 with Dr. Suparna Mullick being conferred the ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ Award; it has also bagged the ‘Great Place to Workcertification’, making its Global presence. With its progression reflected through its employee satisfaction and client-compliance perspective, the ACE intends to work for the overall satisfaction and upliftment of its esteemed clients, as well as its employees, not only monetarily but also professionally. The ACE also aims for the upliftment of the Lifestyles and Livelihoods of the People across the globe through the successful implementation of its Project Works, as well as help in the development of a Pollution-free and Disease–free World.