Assisting organizations in mitigating risks and maintaining environmental compliance, the global Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) market size is expected to grow into USD 8.6 billion by 2024, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.2%. Owing to the rising awareness among the corporate conglomerates in terms of safety, the health of people and environment preservation, the demand for EHS consultancy solutions and services is increasing rapidly to reach new levels of efficiency, accuracy, and security for organizations. Witnessing the in-creasing business demand to enhance operational efficiency and stability across all the industry verticals in the upcoming future, Detox corporation was established by Chetan Contractor and Shaila Chetan Contractor in 1995. Headquartered at Surat, Detox Corporation was established with a vision to preserve the environment as trustee of the future generations.
Incepted with a vision of providing a one-stop solution, the range of services provided by Detox includes Techno-legal Consultancy, EPC Projects, Analytical Laboratory, Heavy Engineering and more. Through Techno-legal Consultancy, Detox Corporation helps the industries get their requisite permissions from Regulatory authorities both at the State & Central Level and also
support them to resolve. EPC projects are for managing industrial & Domestic Solid-Liquid Waste, where post getting clearances & commencing operations, Detox Corporation provides solutions for managing solid/liquid industrial as well as domestic waste through developing captive/common Environmental Infrastructure Projects on EPC basis. Developing a State-of-the-Art Industrial Waste scientific treatment, recovery, reuse & disposal facilities in Gujarat & Maharashtra, there are 02 verticals of Detox Corporation for Industrial Waste - Solid Waste & Liquid Waste.
Installing Common Incineration Facilities to address safe disposal of incinerable waste, the firm is also actively working for scientific treatment of Municipal Solid Waste. Generating City Compost & RDF, Detox Corporation manufactures on an average 200 Tons of City Compost & 400 Tons of RDF. City Compost is sold through KRIBHCO & GSFC whereas RDF is sold through Local Boilers. Detox Corporation is also expert in Bio-mining & Bio-remediation of Municipal Waste Dumpsites having completed 05 projects till date, of which major one is Dhapa in Kolkata.
“In order to ensure that the industries comply with the Regulatory guidelines, we have a State-of-the-Art Laboratory recognized by Ministry of Environment and Forest recognized and accredited by ISO 17025:2017 (NABL) since last 25 years having more than 800 parameters. In line with the vision of our Honorable Prime Minister to promote ‘Make in India’, we also provide testing & certification services through our laboratory to ensure best quality products are exported. We have State of the Art Engineering & Fabrication Unit where we are manufacturing about 200 Tons of Steel Items per month,” shares Varoon Contractor, Director, Detox Corporation.
During the initial phase of inception, Detox envisaged the difficulty faced by industries to interpret & implement the newly framed Environmental norms and accordingly took the initiative to overcome this predicament by jointly working with the government to make sure that practical norms are being framed, and sufficient breathing space is provided to the industries to ensure its successful implementation; simultaneously assisted the industries to ensure compliant implementation of the newly framed norms. “Working conjointly with the industries & delivering impeccable services in line with what we commit differentiates us from our competitors. Being with them right from setting the industries helps us understand their drawbacks and assist them to become compliant which triggers the confidence of our customers in us&thus making them keener to associate with us,” avers Varron Contractor.
Transitioning to a second-generation company, Detox has emerged as a new-age leader in Environmental Sector. “With a strong client base of more than 4000 varied industries across Gujarat, we now have PAN INDIA presence as the most proactive and compliant environmental organization. Through our varied services, we would like to support the industries for sustainable development and aligning them with our core vision of preserving the environment as trustee of our future generations thus gifting healthy life to our future generations. We abide by the concept of being shield for the industries to ensure healthy long-term relationship,” concludes Varoon Contractor.