To create something new is definitely a very challenging task, which needs great efforts, knowledge, determination and strong belief in the objective that one is aiming for. When a Mumbai based company M/s.Chem-Verse Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. ventured into manufacturing and supplying Specialty lubricants that were only sourced through imports, little did the founding team know that the company would become a force to be reckoned with in the years to come. Founded in 1979, CVC is an established consulting firm that supplies import substitutes for specialty lubricants that were then only available through imports. Later, the company indulged in manufacturing these lubricants and other functional chemicals required for industrial usage which were hitherto not locally available.
CVC offers tailor-made solutions to numerous industries operating under adverse conditions in the manufacturing sector
Inception and the Way Ahead
The first few years after inception of CVC brought numerous hurdles and challenges to the company. The biggest hurdle before the company was to develop a sense of belief for its consulting services and products among clients. When the company started its operations, the Synthetic lubricants were not available to industrial organizations in the local market and had to be imported. Thus, the industrial players took some time to gain faith in the solutions delivered by CVC . However, the company soon after developing a client base for its range of Synthetic lubricants, started manufacturing Synthetic lubricants, Specialty chemicals & Aerosol products. Mr.N.C.Mavani, Managing Director, CVC says, “When companies were using expensive machines and lubricants which were of very high quality, they were not so sure whether we’ll be able to deliver what they want. So, it took us a lot of time to convince them.” Mr.Mavani also added that it was the high cost of the import duty and hassels of import of small quantity, which made companies turn to the products manufactured by CVC.
Vision to Deliver the Best
Quality and consistency are the major factors that enabled this consulting

company to carve a niche for its services. Another major element that served as the USP for the organization was problem solving. The company manufactures and supplies products that deal with operational problems in various industries. CVC at present, serves numerous industries including defence, railways, steel plants, textile, nuclear, mining, petrochemicals and automotive. “The problems faced by these industries are generally related to the high temperature in the environment, heavy load, rough and tough conditions and durability of products. Our customers did not get any ready solutions for these problems, but our products are designed to mitigate these challenges,” explained Mavani.
Not every organization can manage to evolve the way CVC did. From providing apt solutions for maintenance and energy saving to assuring after sales assistance, the company has gone an extra mile to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. Besides, it offers tailor-made solutions for numerous operating conditions in industry or even for the new industries coming up in the manufacturing sector. CVC aims to expand with the growing manufacturing sector, which is expected to get a great boost with Make in India, an initiative by the Indian Government. Mavani details, “We are expecting high growth and development in the industry in the next five years. We want to align with the industry to offer the required products and grow with the industry.”