Labour compliance is one of the most complex and difficult thing that a business has to perform. Due to everchanging laws and rules & regulations, it is hard to keep track of statutory compliances. Also, understanding the existing rules, interpreting them and complying with them in letter and spirit are major challenges. As this is not a core business function for most businesses, companies often rely on expert consultants who are adept at providing the said services. Prakash Consultancy Services is one such organization that helps clients focus on their core business functions. Founded by Prakash Kagalwala in 1991 the company completes 25 years of their service this year. The organization has amassed a huge clientele and has managed to stay abreast through the winds of change in the Indian landscape.
Prakash Consultancy is a process oriented company and handles each client’s work in a unique and process bound approach.
The organization has proven mastery in advising, administration, documentation, maintenance of various records & statutory compliance under the ESIC Act 1948, EPF Act, 1952 and other social welfare enactments. All legal compliance like ESI, PF, MLWF, P. Tax, TDS, etc are taken care of while ensuring complete confidentiality of data. Setting-up and management of Retirement Benefit Funds viz. PF, Gratuity Fund & Superannuation Fund are also extended by the company.“Employers invested in profit-making are scarcely aware of the recourse of the law, so they end up on the wrong side instead,” says Prakash. PCS’ management educated employers of the pitfalls and law suits which inevitably come with non-compliance of the laws.
Prakash Consultancy provides quality framework by implementing a comprehensive policy to deliver results on time and within budget. It is a consultancy house with strong management and consultancy processes and state-of-the-art infrastructure. PCS is a client driven consultancy which decisively provides Law services in the Indian market. That is also the

reason why there has been a steady development ever since its inception.
The firm is lead by an experienced group of professionals, with a capacity of overseeing business development. A mix of solid and driven administration people and strong delivery of creative services have empowered growth in income.
The seasoned organization intends to constantly work towards upgrading them and find better means to serve their clients. “We are process oriented company and handle each client’s work in unique and process bound approach. We define our role as active consultant who is genuinely interested in getting the compliance so as to improve goodwill in the market and labour relations of the client,” adds Prakash. The organization makes its clients process aware and conducts preliminary analysis to finalize scope of work. The team also explores existing systems and suggests ways to improve things.
With an eye on the future, the company is adapting to technological trends to stay ahead of the curve and to serve clients better.
It will also help employees understand benefits provided under different statutes and will guide the employers about understanding their roles and responsibilities. Given the organization’s years of experience and expertise in the area of labour law, Prakash Consultancy is well on its way to a brighter future.