C2C Organizational Development: Bringing People and Strategy Together

CIO Vendor Organizations grow when their people grow. As new opportunities and challenges appear, both the individuals and the organization as a whole must grow in knowledge, skills, attitude, confidence, and / or commitment.

The main obstacle in achieving this kind of development is that business strategy and people development are too often on opposite sides of the equation. When an organization identifies an area for development, they need a trusted partner to help create solutions that meet everyone’s objectives.

C2C Organizational Development is different from other OD consultancies because it partners with HR and Business stakeholders from beginning to end to create and implement OD solutions.

C2C-OD walks with organizations through a four-step process of creating an OD solution with measurable business results. First, they diagnose the foundation need for development by spending time with key stakeholders to

examine individual mindsets and behaviors alongside corporate culture and systems.
Second, along with stakeholders, they design contextualized OD solutions that use simple and pragmatic methods and are completely contextualized to meet Business and HR objectives.

Third, they deliver the OD solution through coaching, group facilitation, or training. C2C-OD facilitators use IAF core competencies and encourage participants to take a central role in their own development.

C2C Organizational Development is different from other OD consultancies because it partners with HR and Business stakeholders from beginning to end to create and implement OD solutions

Finally, they demonstrate the value of the solution and evaluate the Return on Expectations. As an official affiliate of (The One and Only Kirkpatrick®) Kirkpatrick Partners, they can lead organizations through up to four levels of evaluating the effectiveness of the solution and showing the impact.

This model of engagement ensures the maximum value for clients and creates a tight partnership with all stakeholders.

Over the past seven years C2C-OD has experienced 20 percent YoY growth every year. It has also established a wide presence in Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America, and has plans to continue its growth.

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