Rapid globalization is resulting into an economic transformation which was never envisionedbefore, which is leading to the rich and the mighty needing to outsource the management of their now heightened wealth. Wealth management in today’s times is a reality that incorporates financial planning, investment managementto solve and enhance the finances of an affluent individual or families or small-businesses in a consultative way.
Credence Family Office is a multi-family office which offers high end wealth management advisory, tax and legal advice, estate and succession planning, real estate management and other aggregated financial services. Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Bangalore, India, the firm caters to the financial needs of a niche set of clients globally with customized services for each of them. But as with all things good, success for Credence was not delivered to their doorstep. The Indian wealth management scenario was and still is in its infancy and trust deficitwas one of the biggest issues faced by the company and this is true for most wealth management companies looking to make a mark in the industry. Credence ventured out with a motto of being a financial trustee combining “services of a family advisor with the expertise of an investment firm. ”Considerable amount of time was invested in getting families on board with the idea of setting up a family office which could mentor the current and next generation, do value transfer, address important issues ranging from something as tacit as drawing up investment policy statements to setting up family counsels, dispute settlements. Alongside with it the pre-existing conventional models of wealth management did not fuse both the investor and the advisor interests.
With a stable team of private bankers,
investment bankers, asset managers
with diverse educational backgrounds,
experience of working in different
geographies and a great depth of talent,
Credence has managed to carve out a
holistic approach for its clients which
would aid its clients in the long run
Recognizing the deficiencies in the market space and with a vision to add value to industry, the development of a transparent and sophisticated model consisting of a single-window platform for asset management, domestic and offshore advisory, estate planning, data management and legal support amongst others, has proved to be the highlight of the company. Additionally domain expertise on macro economics, forex advisory, treasury management, IT and document management, learning academy among others are part of the array of services which Credence Family Office offers with much refinement. With a stable team of private bankers, investment bankers, asset managers with diverse educational backgrounds and a great depth of talent, the company has managed to carve out a holistic approach for its clients which would aid its clients in the long run.The Credence team has come a long way in its six years ofexistence; it has covered over 75 families over this periodbased in Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, London and the USA with about 4000 crore assets under its advisory radar and office presence in metros such as Mumbai and Kolkata besides Bangalore.
Speaking about the future Mitesh Shah, Co-Founder, Credence said “The focus clearly is to build on the platform that we have created. Important areas like product innovation, advanced data analytics, dispute settlement councils, learning academy for the next generations, mentoring academy for first generation entrepreneurs, image consulting to name a few are being worked on.” Additionally, national and international programs are being designed to enhance the skill set of the team. The company’s motto is to build a platform par excellence in the country.