A well-structured Cyber Security Strategy is a must to deal with today’s evolving Cyber Threats. Over the last few years there has been a significant increase in TARGETED cyber-attacks on companies of all size and across industry, causing irrecoverable damage to the brand and reputation and having enormous financial impact. Businesses today not only have to deal with the threat of external attackers but insider threats as well. According to experts, 55 percent of all corporate cyber-attacks are either caused by careless or negligent employees or by those with malicious intent. Companies generally focus on the outside and leave the inside vulnerable.
Today’s cyber threats are far more sophisticated than ever, current techniques such as rules, signatures, white listing, and sand boxing are no longer sufficient. To deal with the ever evolving threat vectors there has to be an integrated approach with security control implemented across all layers of the infrastructure working as 1.
“To counter such complex multi-vector security threats it is vital for organisations to formulate a comprehensive Cyber Security Strategy, with the board involvement and approval, traditional silo based security solutions don’t work anymore, theyadd to the technology sprawl and security becomes un-manageable,” says Pradeep Kumar, the CEO and Co-founder of BizCarta Technologies.
The Indian Banking sector has taken the lead of establishing a strategic frame work lead Cyber Security Policy with RBI providing guidelines on Information Security which can pro-actively create/ fine-tune policies, procedures and technologies based on emerging concerns and conceive a Board Approved Cyber Security Policy.
BizCarta Technologies started operations in 2014 as a pure play Information risk management consulting services company, operating from Bangalore, providing high quality cyber security consulting services to SMBs and large corporate helping companies establish a robust cyber security strategy and a road map to deal with the evolving threats in a systematic manner
"From our consulting engagements we have learnt that the problem today has shifted from a Traditional technology and product view of security to include the leadership view of risk to business. We are seeing a growing trend of top management interested in establishing a comprehensive business aligned Cyber security strategy and an integrated cyber defence platform which can evolve with the growing threat’s rather than investing in piece meal point solutions,"adds Pradeep.
BizCarta leverages its proprietary
Adept6 consulting framework to help
organizations build a comprehensive
cyber security strategy and a road map for a unified cyber defence platform
BizCarta by leveraging its proprietary Adept6 Consulting methodology addresses exactly this requirement of the board by providing an out come based cyber security strategy and an IT security road map tightly integrated with the company’s business.
BizCarta’s business model is structured along consult, design, deploy and manage value chain. With its‘rules before tools’ consulting approach, BizCarta’s Solutions are vendor agnostic and anchored on the outcome of the Adept 6 engagement frame work which has strong reliance on system study, gap assessment and solution architecting undertaken for each of our clients. In that sense each of our engagement are unique and customized to fit our client’s specific IT and business landscape,” says RamKrishna Roy- Director Security Strategy BizCarta’s services are structured around three core pillars Viz. Cyber Security Consulting, Technology Integration and Managed Security Services.
BizCarta’s Managed Security Services provides customers an option of zero capex fully managed SLA and outcome based Managed Cyber security services covering critical aspects of cyber security such as
• 24/7 Security monitoring and Incidence response
• Real time threat detection and response platform.
• Application Security Assurance Program
• Vulnerability Life Cycle Management Solution
• Red teaming and targeted risk remediation services
BizCarta has strong competencies in application security, today over 85 percent of the attacks happen on the application layer, while applications are an engine of innovation it’s also the biggest attack vector. BizCarta has a very structure Application Security Assurance Program to help customers build application security maturity model and secure applications.
Serving customers from diverse sectors such as IT, ITES, Ministry of Defence, software development and manufacturing, BizCarta also helps leading global banking software application developing companies with its application security assurance program. BizCarta believes “The key to customer success is high quality execution by focusing on Project management and service delivery to ensure the desired Cyber Security capabilities are obtained in a timely and cost effective manner,” says Rakesh Taranath – Director Customer success.
With expansion in customer base and timely project execution, the company has become cash positive over the last two years. Presently operating from India and USA, BizCarta is looking forward to extend its operations to EMEA Region. By proficiently working on its consulting frame work Bizcarta envisions to become one of the top 10 Information Risk Management Consulting & Services company in India by the year 2020.