LIVA IT services:Delivering Expert Services Cloud ComputingTechnologies

CIO Vendor With the emergence of Cloud computing as an effective technology that unlocks IT challenges and offers a smooth transformation into the modern business environment, technology dependent organizations across the globe are moving to adopt the technology. However cloud adoption has been rather gradual in India.
Hence, there is a growing need for well-versed, dependable consultants that can help the Indian businesses adopt cloud computing technologies. This is where the cloud computing services provided by LIVA IT Service shit the bull’s eye. LIVA IT’s cloud based services would help organize the existing processes and develop computing resources thus creating a flexible asset to eliminate glitches met inside a company’s IT infrastructure. Sanjay Gaddipati, CEO & Co-Founder, LIVA IT says, “We figured out the great benefits of cloud computing technologies and huge potential in cloud computing market and in 2012, Bhaskar and myself, founded the company. We started providing services in IT sector on cloud computing technologies specifically started with Sales”
Before establishing the company,Sanjay and Bhaskar collectively had almost a decade of experience in terms of cloud computing technologies.
Leveraging their industry experience, the duo came up with case studies for different companies and different industries, and presented proof of concepts along with these case studies to prospective clients. Reflecting on the initial day she adds, “We had a tough beginning, people had apprehensions about this new technology. Through hard work we built a well-trained and experienced team. Currently 85% of our resources are certified in their corresponding areas.” Finally, after grueling it out for almost one year, clients reached out to them.“It was owing to our endurance and unflinching vision that we saw success,” adds Sanjay.
As an emerging industry our markets are made up in a way where the concerned would charge high on the development costs &other costs and sell the products to the clients and take off.
Countering this facet, LIVA IT build snot only CRM applications but all applications from start to end in a corporate hierarchy which are cost effective and automates these processes with their quality approach until they are sure that whatever applications they built are sustainable and scalable to simplify client’s IT handling.
In the role of a strategic consultant, the company’s ‘firefighting’ or remediation services are aimed at improving the efficiency of different processes, reduce downtime and eliminate process bottlenecks, assess risks and address the same effectively and resolve probable problems like licensing costs, upgrades etc.

Currently, LIVA IT holds its aces in manufacturing and life science industries and with a good amount of exposure coming every day, the company is all set to replicate its hard earned success in other industries as well.Going forward, LIVA IT is working towards venturing into the field of data analytics.
Sanjay says, “We want to utilize the advantages of cloud computing in going into data analytics especially for life science industry. We are doing well in analysis side and we want to concentrate more on those areas.”Sanjay concludes by saying, “Although, our beginning was rough we made a turnover of close to INR 2crores in 2014.We stand by our vision; whoever we are dealing with, we want to be the best for them with our services.”

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