Santosh Nair was one of the youngest, fastest, and the richest employees in the history of Eureka Forbes. A sales professional evolved into becoming an entrepreneur. During his corporate stint, his art of delivering impeccable results was admired and appreciated by most of his superiors and colleagues.According to him, a professional should rely on 4E’s – Education, Examination, Experience, and Ethics.His progress over the years defines these qualities. Also, his robust experience in the corporate training domain and sales has taken him to top managerial levels.
Team smmart with Operations in about 12 locations, has trained close to 2 million people and over 9000 plus Entrepreneurs from across major parts of India
Well, the mark of the entrepreneurial journey started way back in 1996, when insurance agencies were privatized and Santosh was called upon as the chief guest to a function, where more than 500 insurance agents attended the conference. This is when he realized that – he is more of a motivational speaker. So working towards creating a corporate training company focused on sales, in 2000, he established a company namedsmmartTraining & Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.Initially, the company provided corporate training for insurance agents where they helped them imbibe multiple strategies and implemented various methodologies that promote knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits among others. As time progressed, they channelized their services by working with SMEs& MSMEs. “Today, we have become training, consulting, and coaching company dedicated to nano, micro, small and medium enterprise and helped companies like Varmora (Ahmedabad), Ekta Builders, H K Designs, Nirman Realtors, V-Trans, Metropolitan, Agappe Diagnostics, Kalpataru Organics, Turanth Logistics, Vashi Electricals, Walplast, Rajdeep Industries and many more such NMSME companies to move to the next level of growth. We have worked with 150+ companies like Unilever, Proctor & Gamble,Coca-Cola, Vodafone, Asian Paints, HSBC, Standard
Chartered,Ford, Mahindra & Mahindra and other national and international companies. Where we do programs on sales, management, leadership, strategic business planning. Our team has trained close to 2 million people. And every entrepreneur goes through six stages –Groping, Early Success, Growth Acceleration, Reorientation, Corporatization, and Liberation. To suit each of these stages we have developed a strong offering of programs viz-a-viz Orientation Gurukul, Foundation Gurukul, Entrepreneur Gurukul, Advanced Gurukul, Master Gurukul & Nirvana Gurukul. Our Flagship T.I.G.E.R. Program is an Entrepreneur & Individual Transformation Program and develops one to become Tough, Ingenious, Go-getter, Enterprising &Resourceful person and more than 1500+ T.I.G.E.Rs have already being produced by smmart till date &the community is still growing. We are a company dedicated to Entrepreneurs in the NMSME space and our Big Hairy Audacious Goal is to incorporate the great practices of GE; be the Harvard of Entrepreneur Education create 100 million success stories & become a billion US$ company by 2031, speaks T.I.G.E.R. Santosh Nair.
Not Just Training – The Whole Essence of Life
One classic example of their work is Walplast, a Mumbai-based manufacturing company that manufactures premixed plastics, wall putty, & other construction materials. They joined Entrepreneur Gurukul Program, and over the last 6 years, they have seen tremendous growth, where smmart helped them close all business deals, which was not their area of focus. Today, they are part of almost hundreds of success stories, where people have grown their business, built their team, expanded into newer locations, multiplied their turnover, increased their profitability and efficiency. “We induce different methodologies that inculcate progress, where people start focusing on what is important in their life and achieve the same. The benefits vary from person to person. So, we believe in 100 percent implementation and transformation.Our core purpose involves providing path-breaking solutions to entrepreneurs and develop a radical shift in their mindset so that they can scale greater heights in a dynamics and ever-changing world of business,” adds Sindhu Nair, Co-Founder, smmart Training & Consultancy Services.
Based in Mumbai, smmart is in an expansion phase.In the near future, they will be spreading their services across India and rest of the world. They have launched series of programs, where they have covered almost 150 different subjects in the Inspirational pep talks. With a range of products being developed to suit the entrepreneur needs; we have more than 260+ different titles of inspirational pep talks in multiple languages (mainly Hindi, English & Malayalam). The blockbuster book “11 Commandments of Life Maximization” has been a Best Seller and is available in 5 languages (English, Hindi, Marathi, and Gujarati & Malayalam). Also, the company is planning to launch a play called entrepreneur – ‘keerthan’. Further elaborating on the roadmap, Santosh says “We will be building a100-acresmmart development center, where importance will be given to research and development of entrepreneurship. One day, we will be known as the world’s best entrepreneur transformation company by 2031.”