Mindmetrics India: Offering Custom - Built L&D Solutions to Enhance Organizational Performance

Sheila N Krishnan, Founder

Sustaining is as important as entering a market. While starting a business is not an easy task, similarly, sustaining in the industry is also not a cakewalk. In order to be relevant to the changing market, companies have to constantly scan the changing needs, behaviors, and strategies of markets and reinvent themselves. Mindmetrics India, a leading L&D consultancy firm headquartered at Chennai. Differentiated by their unique research-based methodology and Neuroscience framework, Mindmetrics offers four streams of services to clients – Learning Solutions, Consulting, Executive and Life Style Coaching and Finally, Organizational Transformation services.

The consulting service of Mindmetrics is strategic consulting: helping client organizations to re-discover or reinvent completely and create a relevant market position. “Our mission is to enable every customer to achieve their Business Goals by designing, implementing and institutionalizing components of the strategy and Peak Performance; and enabling self-programming for future goal achievement. Our consulting approach is based on a Gestalt OD framework of discovery,action research, and intervention design. Standardized tools/inventories are used for data collection and a rigorous analytical approach for arriving at appropriate recommendations. We identify gaps(The Diagnostic Phase), make recommendations (Intervention Phase) and implement them through creating inhouse change management teams,” Sheila N Krishnan, Founder, Mindmetrics India states.

In terms of learning solutions, Mindmetrics focuses on creating experiential learning by play method, 3 D hands-on learning situations and business games custom designed for clients. The goal of training in organizations is building capability for the future, so the Learning solutions are all tied to
Business Goals directly, and provide a 360-degree scenario of the path to the goals and help participants anticipate, create strategies and implementation plans besides just acquiring concepts or skills. So, loss of transference of learning to workplace is minimized. The design for the 4 levels of the organization are different: working in small capsules for leaders to intensive day-long programs for teams below, programs use data captured from the client organization in the form of cases, and their own context.

“In terms of Learning Solutions, Consulting and Organizational Transformation services, we follow a common 3 step practice of discovering, Intervention design and Implementation. Initially, we spend a large amount of time understanding not just what the client expectation is but also, inquire about the factors like why, when, where, how and from whom so that the issues and expectations are clear. Another major benefit that the company provides to clients is ‘outsider perspective.’ This ensures neutrality, newness, competitiveness and best/next practices that even the best professionals within the organization can’t get. “We bring best-in-industry solutions to clients along with the expertise of certified facilitators,” Sheila said.

Leading Diverse Verticals with Matchless Service Spectrum
Established in 1998, Mindmetrics India, along with the Training arm Quantum Learning center, today presents a broad spectrum of services to a variety of industries and corporate. Their area of expertise is growing aggressively as technology and market advance. Citing about company’s growth Sheila briefs, “We measure our growth by the breadth of services we are able to offer to clients. We’ve worked with several corporates like Daimler India (commercial vehicles), where we did over 16 strategy workshops for various functions in some cases using cutting-edge tools like brain mapping; MiRC Electronics, across all their branches Pan-India, Deepak Fertilizers; Mahindra resorts; Kaynes Technology and Fifth Avenue Ltd. From Apparel, Manufacturing and Industrial Automation to Agriculture, Life sciences and IT, we cover diverse verticals. By 2005, Mindmetrics became one of the first consultants to bring Brain Development and Biofeedback based programs that were used commonly mostly in the sports domain, for Peak Performance in corporate organizations. Today, Mindmetrics is a certified facilitator for leading companies in Australia, UAE, Canada, USA and Denmark for psychometric and 360 assessments, job profiling, and brain mapping.

She sums up, “In future, we will focus more on custom-made programmes based on Neuroscience in Personal Mastery, Marketing strategy, customer strategy and many more as Neuroscience is increasingly used in corporate solutions. We are also working on self-paced online delivery for higher levels, Coaching Bots for mid-levels and other psycho cybernetic techniques.”

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