Learning And Development Activities Have Become An Integral Part Of Any Organization Today. Realizing The Significance Of Constant Motivation And Up-Skilling Among Employees To Stay Ahead In The Cut-Throat Market Competition, Many Companies And Establishments Are Investing A Major Share On Result-Driven L&D Programmes. As The Number Of Companies Adopting Continuous L&D Programmes For Their Employee Productivity Increases Rapidly, The Number Of Consultants In The L&D Field Is Also Growing Proportionally. As A Result, The Role Of An L&D Business Partner Has Become Most Challenging Than Ever Before.
It’s No Secret That The Learning Landscape Is Changing, And In Some Industries, This Is Quite A Dramatic Change. In This Highly Competent L&D Market, The Consultants Are Required To Embrace The Most Advanced Learning Management Systems (LMS), E-Learning Programmes, And Other Technological Aids And Develop Diverse As Well As Engaging Learning Cultures As Per The Size And Type Of Respective Industry In Order To Spot Continued Success. It Has Become Highly Necessary For L&D Consultants To Prove That They Provide Performance Support For Meeting Business Kpis As Well As Guidance And Support For Learners’ Development. Subjected To A Lot Of Trends And Market Changes, L&D Is A Dynamic Arena That Offers Huge Scope For Consultants.
With The Intention To Assist L&D Consultants To Identify The Changing Market Trends And Emerging Learning Cultures In Corporate World, Consultants Review Magazine Presents You The List Of ‘10 Most Promising L&D Consultants – 2019.’ Having Been Scrutinized By A Distinguished Panel Of The Industry’s Managers And Industry Analysts Including Consultants Review’s Editorial Board, These Handpicked Companies Are Assured To Deliver Growth-Promoting And Well Engaging L&D Programmes In Line With The Current Market Trends To Produce Short-Term Results.
Company Name | Description |
AnalytixLabs | Premier capability building institute led by a team of McKinsey, IIT,IIM &ISB alumni with deep industry experience. |
Born To Win | Operating at Pan India level, Born To Win is successfully working towards transforming resource into talented human capital. |
Ccerebrate Business Consulting | We focus on making a smallest to the largest company utilize their existing systems more effectively without making any capital investment. |
Edgeworth Consulting | Edgeworth Consulting is a boutique learning and development consulting firm providing solutions to address business requirements. |
Idam Learning | Caters to organizations’ problems and unique challenges and strives to tackle those with proven and well-designed learning and development training modules. |
Larks Learning | A training, coaching and psychometric assessment company that helps organizations improves productivity and performance. |
Mindmetrics India | Mindmetrics uses Neuroscience and research-based Consulting, Training and coaching services across individual, team, leaders and organizational levels to enhance organizational performance. |
Prime Meridian Consulting | An end-to-end leadership development and human transformation consulting services company providing coaching, training and consulting interventions. |
Steps Drama Learning Development | A leader in experiential drama based training, creating innovative and award-winning programmes for clients across UK, India and around the globe. |
The Intrad School Of Executive Coaching ISEC India | Specializes in Leadership Development and Transformational Leadership through Executive Coaching for new economy businesses. |
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