| |NOVEMBER 20188Consultants ReviewMARTECH: FROM INSTANT COFFEE AND INSTANT MARKETING TO FOSTERING INSTANT LOYALTY!!Mumbai based Jio, strives to build products and services of the future to empower billions of Indians make their dreams a reality. At Jio, Tanuja serves as the Head for Special Projects & Consumer Insights and effectively works for the progress of the same.By Tanuja Rai Pradhan, Head - Special Projects & Consumer Insights, Jiosn't it a Paradoxical era?!! ... for servicing human, humans alone are no longer good enough for offering personalized experi-ences to customers. Brands need the help of sophisticated technologies which work bet-ter than humans to do it effectively.Let's start from Instant coffee! Do you know why in-stant coffee was invented? For preparing it faster, lower shipping weight and longer shelf life.The current world on "Internet" is also offering in-stant product launch, instant advertising and also an in-stant insight, which was otherwise not possible for the brands. In any given five seconds, the amount of data/ information going in front of your consumers is huge and in a different form like comments by your friends, brand activations, and others. All this instant, resulted into an era of "Instant Marketing" on "In the moment marketing".Taking the same analogy of "instant" quotient in cof-fee, the instant marketing is faster, low investment vs volumes and also has a longer shelf life in terms of brand loyalty. So yes, the need for instant marketing is inevi-table. Some equation was built around this which is.Social Media + Data = Continual, In-the-Moment Mar-keting Opportunities = "Instant Marketing"Not sure if it fits into all the definitions but it does help directionally. Volvo's campaign "The great Inter-ception" from Superbowl was not possible without this instant coinage. In order to leverage the opportunities thrown by these instant world, the world of marketing is dating technology, and that is "MarTech". Such is the speed of technology, where research shows that four out of five executives feel overwhelmed and under prepared for this challenge in near future.IIN MY OPINIONTanuja Rai Pradhan
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