| |NOVEMBER 20189Consultants ReviewA deep dive into customer needs, requirements, aspiration, culture, ethos and others need to be weaved well for both online or offline platformsA Marketing strategy cannot be taken far without deep customer insight. A deep dive into customer needs, requirements, aspiration, cul-ture, ethos and others need to be weaved well for both online or of-fline platforms. With the help of ma-chine learning as a part of AI and Big Data analysis, now we have an insur-mountable advantage when it comes to establishing insightful predic-tions. These sophisticated tools are becoming the most important tools to engage with customers to encour-age loyalty ­ and here's why.They can instantly assess the quality of prospects for particu-lar offer, impending demands, the preferred touchpoints to get to the brand communication. From artifi-cial intelligence (AI) that can assess and adapt campaign performance in seconds, to technology that mea-sures sentiment via facial muscle tension, your creativity with technol-ogy is limited only by your imagina-tion. They are going beyond and cap-turing softer aspects too. With these technology interventions, brands are able to grasp the opportunity of every "micro-moments". They are able to optimize the knowledge and throw suitable price, personalized ads, tailored content, and also offer-ing relevant recommendations.In an era where expectations are extremely high for customer servic-es, chatbots are the only ones who can meet these expectations, these virtual assistants are able to evolve and provide better service, which plays a crucial role in promoting customer loyalty. In light of that, it's fascinating to see how machine learning is being used to make high-ly personal and human interactions that essentially entice attachment.Some say "fail fast", but we pre-fer "experiment and learn at speed". With today's technology, you've got the agility to react at speed when something isn't working, and the ability to scale quickly when it is. These technologies as a horror sci-fi reducing marketing job is just a myth as they are just augmented in-telligence and should be considered as the "Best marketing assistant one could ever have".
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